Buglife is a European organization devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. Buglifers are actively working to save Britain’s rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish. Buglife researches what bugs need and then campaigns for bugs so that everyone will understand the importance of looking after biodiversity as a whole, and what we can each do to help. The goal is to save threatened populations, restore wildlife habitats and tell everyone why invertebrates matter. An information-rich site with Habitat and Species projects, field guides, activities, factsheets, and how to guides (like this) Wildlife Gardening. Be Inspired!
GROW WILD is also based in the UK and their motto is "Flowers to the People". Grow Wild's goal is to encourage communities and individuals to come together by sowing, growing, and enjoying native wild flowers. The idea is to transform spaces for nature, which increases biodiversity, and allows people to connect with nature and each other whilst nurturing biophilia. Grow Wild is publicly-funded by the Big Lottery Fund, which gives millions of pounds to good causes, i.e. community groups and projects like Grow Wild, that improve well-being, education, and the environment. Grow Wild is also sponsored by Royal Botanic Gardens-Kew, whose mission is to “inspire and deliver science-based plant conservation worldwide – enhancing the quality of life."
Now, the question is: how do we get something like this going here?